Living Bright Interiors

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The Hidden Chapter: Exploring My DNA Through AI Design

In every piece of interior design, there’s a story waiting to be told—sometimes hidden, sometimes right in plain view. As a designer with roots deeply connected to Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kenya, and a touch of European ancestry, my design process often reflects the rich cultural heritage embedded in my DNA. In my upcoming book, Dreamscapes: A Living Bright Interiors Exploration, I’ve included a hidden chapter that reveals how my ancestry has influenced my designs in ways I’m only beginning to fully understand—thanks to the power of AI.

This chapter delves into how my African roots manifest themselves in bold, vibrant, and symbolic design elements, seamlessly blending technology with heritage. It’s about more than just color and patterns; it’s a journey through ancestral storytelling, spirituality, and design.

Exploring My DNA Through AI-Generated Design

Using AI, I’ve been able to create spaces that tap into my African ancestry—each design a reflection of a part of me. Nigeria, with its rich, dynamic culture, inspires bold color palettes and vibrant patterns. Sierra Leone speaks through earthy tones and elements rooted in nature. Kenya brings in the sense of grounded spirituality, using clean lines and minimalism to create serene, peaceful spaces. Meanwhile, my Iberian and Finnish roots add subtler touches of European modernism and cool-toned elegance.

With AI tools like MidJourney, I’ve explored these influences in ways that surprise me. The algorithm picks up on cultural nuances that align with my heritage, creating design landscapes that feel both deeply personal and universally striking

Cultural Elements and Symbolism in Design

In African cultures, design is much more than an aesthetic; it’s a form of communication. Whether through the use of central figures, bold patterns, or intricate textiles, African design often speaks to themes of ancestral reverence, community, and spirituality. Here are a few key elements I’ve explored in my designs:

• Faces and Figurines: Often placed centrally in African-inspired interiors, these figures represent ancestors or spiritual guides, grounding the space in a deeper cultural narrative.

• Bold Color Palettes: African cultures use color to symbolize various aspects of life, from royalty (in the form of deep purples and golds) to the natural environment (with vibrant greens, blues, and reds). These palettes evoke both energy and harmony.

• Earthy, Natural Textures: From clay to wood, natural materials often dominate African interiors. These textures connect the space to the earth and symbolize sustainability and respect for nature.

A Personal Design Journey

The hidden chapter of my book dives deep into how AI has allowed me to reconnect with these cultural roots in ways I never imagined. As I designed spaces that drew from my Nigerian, Sierra Leonean, and Kenyan heritage, I realized that every element—whether consciously chosen or AI-influenced—reflects who I am. Each design speaks not just to the spaces I create, but to the legacy I carry in my DNA.

Discover More in Dreamscapes

This hidden chapter is just a glimpse of the personal design journey I’ve undertaken through AI. I invite you to explore more of these captivating spaces in my book, Dreamscapes: A Living Bright Interiors Exploration. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or want to dive into the fusion of culture, technology, and design, this book has it all.

Get your copy here: Dreamscapes: A Living Bright Interiors Exploration