Curating Dream Spaces: How My Design Explorations Shaped the Dreamscapes Book

It all started when I began incorporating AI into the conceptualization phase of my design projects. Traditionally, conceptualizing a design for a client meant mood boards, sketches, and early-stage renderings. But with AI, I saw the opportunity to quickly generate numerous concepts at once, providing a wide range of design possibilities that would have been time-consuming to create manually. AI became my assistant in ideation, producing an array of images that explored different aesthetics, styles, and emotional tones for the spaces I was designing.

With each new client, we would generate a set of AI-driven images and ask them to rate these concepts on a scale from 1 to 5. This process enabled me to pinpoint which elements resonated most and which could be discarded, allowing the clients to have an active hand in shaping the direction of the design. The most highly-rated images formed the basis of our final concept, which I would then develop further using 3D renderings before bringing it to life.

The Surplus of AI-Generated Concepts

While this process was incredibly effective in honing in on the right design for clients, it also left me with hundreds of beautiful, unused AI-generated concepts—many of which I was personally enamored with. These were designs that didn’t quite fit the client's vision but still held their own artistic merit. Instead of discarding these images, I began posting them on Pinterest, showcasing some of my personal favorites that didn’t make the final cut.

The response was overwhelming. My Pinterest audience quickly grew, with people engaging with these AI-driven explorations. Over time, my blog also began to flourish, and I started seeing upwards of 15,000 monthly readers, all drawn in by the unique blend of human creativity and AI-driven artistry.

Dreamscapes: A Collection of Personal and Client Design Explorations

As the interest in my design explorations grew, I felt inspired to compile the most engaging concepts into a coffee table book—Dreamscapes. This book covers not only my personal explorations but also many of the AI-generated designs that, while unused by clients, sparked public interest on platforms like Pinterest.

The designs in Dreamscapes are a blend of my professional projects and personal “what-if” scenarios—imaginative, dream-like spaces that allow me to explore the full range of AI’s creative potential. For example, the book includes conceptual designs for spaces like an abandoned mall reimagined as a modern residential complex, or the transformation of a forgotten church into a soulful retreat. These designs reflect both my personal style and the DNA of my brand—spaces that are both artistic and functional, imaginative yet grounded in reality.

From AI to Reality: A New Approach to Design

What makes Dreamscapes special is that it not only celebrates the visuals of design but also explores the deeper concepts and stories behind them. The AI-generated images allowed me to push my creativity further, enabling me to imagine spaces that go beyond what’s trending on Pinterest or Instagram. By embracing AI in the design process, I’ve been able to offer my clients a more interactive, personalized experience. I can take their feedback and refine ideas quickly, while also exploring new and unconventional design directions.

In Dreamscapes, I share both the personal and client-driven explorations that have defined my career. Each chapter is filled with design possibilities, blending the beauty of AI-driven concepts with the tangible, real-world outcomes of my projects. The book is not just a reflection of my journey but a celebration of the endless possibilities that come when you merge creativity with technology.

Bringing Dreamscapes Into Your World

If you're a design lover, a creative soul, or someone interested in how technology can elevate traditional art forms, Dreamscapes offers a visual journey unlike any other. This coffee table book is not just for professionals but for anyone looking for inspiration to dream up their next space. And as the holiday season approaches, it makes for a perfect gift for anyone who appreciates the art of design.

So, whether you're just beginning to design your own space or are a seasoned interior designer, Dreamscapes is an invitation to push the boundaries of creativity. And if you're interested in learning more about how AI can enhance your design process, check out my book, The AI Enhanced Designer—available now on Amazon.


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